domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010


In some rivers in the northwestern United States, including Columbia, built large dams have altered the natural cycle of the fish course back to spawn. Hence they have built a waterway near the levees so that salmon do not see it break your way. This is where action fish counters, whose work, boring but important, serves to control the evolution of river stocks and set bans on fishing. Between April and October, these disciples of Job sitting on the banks of the river for eight hours to count the salmon that will go upstream. Every time a fish passes, press a button on the electronic counter. Is it more exciting?: When a trout or a copy of another species, forcing them to click a different button.

My work has a strong resemblance to the fish counter because we serve children six hours daily while the fish counter works eight hours a day without resting, we have two fifteen-minute recess

martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010


Kary lovingly YURY

For my sons Maurice, Andy, and Elianeth Mariellys
Name : Roque 

Last Name :Quevedo Matute

Hobbie : Soccer
Birthday : 24 the  may

Sexo : Male
Adress: Kra 5 Nº 15-35
Neighborhood : San Roque
City: Talaigua Nuevo
Country: colombia